Labor Day
Joliet Zone It is labor day weekend, so I guess its been a while since we sent an update. This also means that we have only 2 weeks left before we head home. We have very mixed emotions about our service coming to an end. We truly love the people here and the ward and we will sincerely miss them. On the other hand we are excited to get back home, especially to see our family. Even though we love our service here, the hardest part is being away from family. We have continued to do much of the same service as we previously mentioned. We visit active and less active members. We provide service in any way we can. We participate in stake and ward activities. We teach the gospel whenever we have an opportunity. We attend meetings with the other missionaries. We inspect the younger missionaries’ apartments. We serve at the local community food bank. All of this brings joy as we learn and serve with others. One of the great opportunities we have as missionaries is to learn dir